What does it cost to clean gutters on a 2 story house?
A question I get a lot is what does it cost to clean gutters on a 2 story house??
And if you’ve made it this far through my gutter cleaning price guide, then you know that it depends…
I can’t give you a set price without taking into consideration all of the above factors that I already mentioned…
But with that said…
I can give you an estimate…
So If I’m coming out to clean the gutters on your 2 story house, the minimum I’m going to charge would be $300 plus gst…
Obviously that’s $330…
That’s the minimum for a smaller 2 story with only gutters on the top story…
So that’s your starting point…
If that’s a little spicy for you, possibly consider doing it yourself…
I have a handy little guide on cleaning gutters on 2 story homes…
Anyway, back to the topic at hand…
Now, as your two story house gets larger, the price also gets larger…
As you start to get into the 3 or 4 bedroom double story homes, you’re going to be looking at $450 plus…
Let’s not forget that some people want to be fancy and have gutters on the bottom level as well…
Having gutters on the 2nd story isn’t enough, they want gutters below gutters…
Well, now you’re looking at a possible cost to clean gutters at around $550 for the top story and the bottom story gutters together…
But it doesn’t stop there…
Now take a look around your home…
It’s beautiful isn’t it??
5 bedrooms…
Each room has its own ensuite…
Multiple living areas…
2 kitchens…
Beautiful Alfresco…
A pool house…
A dog house the size of my house…
At this point, I’m extremely jealous and I’m gonna have to hit you with the jealousy tax on your gutter clean…
Ohhh, this is gonna cost ya!!
No, I’m kidding…
I’m kidding…
I love that you have a huge 2 story house with all the extras…
You worked hard for what you’ve got and you deserve it…
But that opulence you call home, well, that is going to break my back trying to clean the gutters on that thing, so it will cost a little extra…
Not a jealousy tax, but a fair pay for a great gutter clean…
Sound fair??
Ok, so you lucky ducky, your gutter clean will cost anywhere from $600 to $1500…
Yep, we can keep going up in price when it comes to 2 story gutter cleans…
Just be thankful you don’t live in a school or shopping centre…
You don’t want to know the price for these ones…
The 2 Story Price Guide Wrap Up…
Ok, let’s summarise the cost to clean gutters on a 2 storey house…
Gutter cleaning on a 2 story house will start at around $330 for a smaller 2 bedroom townhouse…
An average 3 bedroom two story will cost between $350 to $450…
Next we have the 4 bedroom that will range from $400 to $550…
Then we add on from there and the sky’s the limit…
Of course I recomend you call me for an exact price…
We can um and ahh about this all day, but them gutters aren’t going to clean themselves are they???
I see you agree…
Here’s my number: 0466183548…
I’m Jason, your friendly neighbourhood gutter cleaner…
It takes me 10 minutes and I can send you an exact price for your gutter clean…
Speak with you soon…